Joseph Smith brought about the fulfillment of this scripture that we read in the Book of Mormon. Because he had an honest question about what church was true, which church had the fulness, he was able to ask in faith and receive an answer. He then had the faith to follow the direction of the Lord and to gradually restore and bring forth the truth and the fulness so that all can know.

An Instrument in the Hands of God

As I was reading in the scripture today, I came across this verse from 2 Nephi 3:

And there shall rise up one mighty among them, who shall do much good, both in word and in deed, being an instrument in the hands of God, with exceeding faith, to work mighty wonders, and do that thing which is great in the sight of God, unto the bringing to pass much restoration unto the house of Israel, and unto the seed of thy brethren. (2 Nephi 3:24)
This entire chapter is filled with prophecies about the Restoration of the Gospel. At this point in the Book of Mormon, Lehi is about to pass away and he is talking with his son Joseph. This is a sad time for all of them. I am sure that Nephi is still struggling with the knowledge that despite their years of travel and sacrifice, that eventually his people will lose the faith and be destroyed. Lehi gives his entire family and his people hope that someday, their posterity will be brought back to a knowledge of the Gospel. They learn that there will be one key person that rises up and will be the main instrument in the hands of God to bring about this restoration. Lehi also prophecies that this person will have the same name as Lehi's son, Joseph.

I can only imagine the feelings that Joseph Smith must have had over 2,000 years later when translating this verse. At this point he was still very new to the whole "prophet" thing. I am sure there were times for Joseph where he wondered if there had been some mistake about his call and especially if he had the faith and ability to do all that would be expected of him. This verse must have been a great strength to him, to realize that there was no mistake, that he was to be the instrument to restore the Gospel, that he would be able to work might wonders and do much good in the sight of God.

As I read this verse, it reaffirms to me the divine calling of Joseph Smith. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we do not worship Joseph Smith. But, we love and revere him because we know that he truly is an instrument in the hands of God. I know that he is a prophet, that he had a divine calling to restore the Gospel to the earth in these latter days, and that he was prepared and foreordained to this divine calling.

What do I believe about the First Vision and Joseph Smith and why do I believe it?

A question posed at the beginning of this semester really caused me to stop and think. When I was asked "What do I believe about the First Vision and Joseph Smith and why do you believe it?" I had to stop and evaluate what I really did believe. Here, after pondering and praying, are the thoughts and testimony that came to my heart.

I believe that Joseph Smith, a teenage boy, had a question that he was struggling with. I believe that he was inspired to ponder this question and then to kneel in prayer and take it before our Heavenly Father. I believe that his prayer was answered through the appearance of God and of His Son, Jesus Christ. I believe that they talked with Him. I believe that this event changed the world and opened the way for the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be restored to the earth. I believe that a humble boy’s prayer was answered, and I believe that the same can happen to each and every one of us. I believe that God loves us and that He does not want us to feel alone and in the dark. He will shine His light on each of us if we ask in faith.

Why do I believe these things? I believe that the First Vision, and everything that came about because of it, happened because I can’t afford not to believe it. I can’t afford for this not to be true and I can’t bring myself to believe that it isn’t true. We all have too much riding on this belief. We have so much hope in our lives because of the divine vision that Joseph had of God in the Sacred Grove. Everything that we have today started in that grove of trees. The belief of the First Vision helps me to see the love that God has for His children, that He has a plan for us, and that He hears and answers prayers.
Heavenly Father does not want me, or any of His children, in darkness. He inspired Joseph to pray so that he could leave the darkness. This was something that Joseph had never done before so he must have been inspired to do it. God wanted to appear to Joseph, to comfort His child, and to start the process of the Restoration so that all of His children could hear the good and joyous news of the Gospel and of the hope that comes from the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I believe the First Vision happened because I can feel of the love of God through it. It can’t not be true!

My Journey to Joseph

As part of my Foundations of the Restoration class here at BYU, I was assigned to plan, carry out, and report on a semester project of my choosing that will help me to gain and strengthen a testimony of the Restoration of the Gospel. As I was struggling to come up with a project, I remembered the powerful talk given by Elder Neil L. Anderson in his October 2014 General Conference talk on the Prophet Joseph Smith. In this talk he challenged youth to "gain a personal witness of the Prophet Joseph Smith." I decided to take his challenge and follow the principles listed in Preach My Gospel in regard to the Prophet Joseph Smith.

By carrying out this project I  hope to gain and strengthen my witness that Joseph Smith was a true prophet, they he really did see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in the Sacred Grove, that he went on to restore the Church of Jesus Christ, and that I belong to that Church today. This project will also help me to strengthen my testimony of the Book of Mormon and of Joseph’s divine role in translating it.

This project will be personally meaningful to me and not just busy work because I will be able to follow counsel from a servant of God as to how to gain a deep and abiding personal witness of Joseph Smith’s calling. This project will lead me to a lifelong testimony and cherished witness that I will be able to continue to grow and strengthen.